Hold your mouse over any of the numbers below for more information, or click.
This page lists all the cash removals that have occured for a machine or all machines.
Filter Controls
The filter controls shown here allow you to search for the information you are seeking. For example, you may only want to see information on machines in one particular area - simply click on the drop down box for Area, and select the desired area to inspect. Then click on Search.
You may only want to see the transactions over a specific time period - simply enter a "From" and "To" date. Then click on Search.
The data can also be exported into .CSV, .XLS or .PDF by clicking on the following buttons
By Clicking on details you can view the cash removal data as shown below. You may also enter the specific amount of coins that have actually been counted - and click update. A report can show any discrepancies between what was counted and what was reported by the machine - see reports section.
Device ID for the machine
Sequence Number
Cash Removal Sequence number
Removal Date
Timestamp for when cash was removed.
Amount Coins + Counted Coins
Amount of coins removed is displayed here, and if manually counted - this will also be displayed in "Counted Coins" column. See (2) above for more info on counted coins.
Amount Notes + Counted Notes
Amount of notes removed is displayed here, and if manually counted - this will also be displayed in "Counted Notes" column. See (2) above for more info on counted notes.