Hold your mouse over any of the numbers below for more information, or click.
Use this screen to edit user account information.
User Name
Enter a username here.
Enter a secure password here. Remember to make it strong and include uppercase, lowercase, numbers and characters.
Some people think of words and change the letters for numbers or characters. e.g. Horserider = H0r$3r1d3r
Enter a description for the user - this could be their name.
Choose a role that should be applied to this user.
Session Timeout
This is the period of inactivity before a user is automatically logged out. This is in seconds and default setting is 1200 seconds or 20 mins.
This must be checked in order to have this account active. To De-activate a user account - uncheck this box.
Using the drop down menu you can select what type of notifications to be sent to this user. The options are as follows:
Blank - leave blank to receive none
Error - select this to receive errors only
Warning - select this to receive warnings and errors
Info - Select this to receive info, warning and errors
Enter an email address for the user in this box, and if it is to be used for notifications - put a check in the box.
Enter a phone number for the user in this box, and if it is to be used for notifications - put a check in the box. If this is to be used for SMS notifications - ensure that it is a mobile phone and if not in New Zealand - enter a country code.
Read Only
Click this box to prevent this user from making any changes on the system. (Read Only Access)
Allow Tariff Editing
Check this box to allow the user access to the Tariff Editing module.
iButton ID
If this user has an iButton, enter the ID here. If this iButton is used - it will show this user in the events for that machine.
Time Zone
Select the time zone the user is located in.
Click update to save changes