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For sites that are using Licence Plate Recognition (LPR), all the LPR events are displayed here.
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Customer Code
These are the code names for a site/carpark.
Smartrep ID
These are the transaction ID's created by the LPR system for each transaction.
Sector Name
The name of the sector where this registration number was captured.
Registration Number
Captured Registrations of vehicles entering the parking area.
Entry Time
These are the times the vehicle is recorded as entering the car park.
This is the confidence level assigned to the captured registration number. Rated between 0-100, 100 being the most accurate reading.
Early Bird
Early Bird rates apply if true.
If true overnight rates apply.
The tariff type that the parker is eligible to use. e.g. General, 4th floor, student.
True indicates that the record is active in LPR System.
Exit Time
The date and time when the registration exited the car park.